How long does it take for my documents to get approved?
The approval process for NDEB documents varies by case. On average, it takes about 3 to 5 months for the NDEB to approve submitted documents.
How can I submit my documents to NDEB?
The requirements for submitting documents to the NDEB depend on where you completed your dental education. You can find the necessary documents and checklists here.
Can you help me with my application?
While we do not offer one-on-one sessions for filling out the NDEB application, our course advisors can answer any questions you might have. Book a consultation session for assistance.
Do I need my account approved to register for courses at Prep Doctors?
NDEB profile approval is only required to sit for NDEB exams. You do not need an approved NDEB profile to enroll in courses at Prep Doctors.
How many attempts do I have for my exams?
You have 3 attempts to pass the AFK and ACJ exams. For the NDECC, there is no limit on the number of attempts as long as it is cleared within 5 years.